Mammootty's new Malayalam Movie Bombay 1993 March 12 expected to release this week, that is on 24 June 2011 is now shifted to next week. According to latest news the film will only make a release at the end of the this month, on June 30, that is on next Thursday. Do you know what is the reason for postponing the release of this action-sentimental movie of Mega star Mammootty ?. It is nothing but, because of the release of Salimkumar's National Award-winning Adaminte Makan Abu. The Megastar, now a good supporter of true films, already booked theaters for his much expected film of this year. But when he was coming to know that Aadhaminte Makan Abhu is planning released on the same day, he requested the concerned people to shift the release to another day. This is to help his friend Salim Kumar, who is somehow managed to release the film today. The much acclaimed movie which won the National and State Award is distributed by Salimkumar himself under the banner of his own banner Laughing Villa. This is the first venture of Laughing Villa which also gets help from Manjunatha release of Janapriya Nayakan Dileep to get the theaters. Now the film gets maximum theaters in Kerala and released. The film now gets good word of mouth. It is a reply to peoples who complained about the lacking of good films in Malayalam. A great hats off to Mammootty and Salim Kumar for their friendship and support to Malayalam Film Industry without which we will not get such a heart-touching story in Malayalam.
In an Interesting note, 1993 Bombay March 12 is now turns to be a curious film in the career of Mammootty who didn't have a hit this year. Last films of Megastar, The train, August 15 were complete disasters in Box office. So the star is looking for a hit with this film. The film based on true incidents that happened during the Bomb blasts in 1993 Bombay Blasts. The movie has Lal, Roma and Irshad along with Mammooty in important roles. In this film, the megastar will appear in double role. Just wait one more week to see the box office collection and review of Bombay 1993 March 12.
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